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About the Artist

Hi, I am Jenn.  Welcome to my little corner of the web and store. 


I am a freelance artist and have been since 2003. Through college and various apprenticeships my love of art flourished and quickly became my passion.  Now I create art, designs, and musings in various styles and mediums using different tools. Which means using whatever I can get my hands on.


Whatever feels right that day usually works best, as 

art is both my celebration of life and therapy for it.


My art reflects my personal journey of self-discovery through life and all the deliciously messy emotional quantum entanglements that it brings.  


In discovering my own savage twisted grace I share my expressions of love, soul’s light and shadows, experienced ferocity and gentleness of nature, healings from meditations, and infinite connections to our universal source. 


Welcome to my savage twisted grace.


Visit my Etsy store to view art, designs, musings, and merchandise available for purchase:






For inquiries on purchases or commissions

Please email:


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© Jennifer Aviés 2023  

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